Our Ragdoll Queens

Our queens have been tested through Optimal Selection and are negative for HCM, PKD, and FELV/FIV.

Willow’s DNA Report

RainkissedRags Willow

Willow is a seal point mitted Ragdoll but also carries dilute and chocolate.  She came from the 1st litter that Trixie ever had, and was the only girl in the litter and had 4 brothers!  We didn’t keep her simply because she was the only girl though.  Willow was a gorgeous kitten with extremely soft fur, and a sweet personality!  Willow still has a wonderful bunny soft coat and has quite the floofy tail (the floofiest in the house)!  She also has been the best big sister to the various kittens we’ve had over time.  She will often cuddle, groom and play with the other kitties we have.  She loves to be around us as well!  Willow welcomed her 1st litter on May 24th, 2023 and had the softest, most adorable “bobblehead” lynx babies!

blue mink tortie Ragdoll near Portland, OR
Opal’s DNA Report

Future Queen

RainkissedRags Opal of Masterpiece Ragdolls

Opal is a blue mink tortie who carries chocolate, and is also genetically a colorpoint Ragdoll.  Opal came to us from Masterpiece Ragdolls and she was one of the last minks from one of the last mink litters they produced.  Opal is a very large girl with beautiful green eyes and she loves to purr constantly!  She will flop down on her back for belly rubs, just like a dog!  Opal has very cool and unique markings, for example one hind leg is dark while the other is white.  Since Opal is a tortie we can look forward to cream and flame babies, as well as more torties.  We may even get a flame mink!  Opal was born in October of 2023 so we will see when she is ready to start having her own beautiful babies.  Our cattery is proud and honored to welcome Opal as a future queen!

Traditional seal point Ragdoll
Pearl’s DNA Report

Future Queen

RainkissedRags Pearl of Masterpiece Ragdolls

Pearl is a traditional seal point (colorpoint) who carries dilute but not chocolate.  This means she can produce seal and blue (dilute) babies, but no chocolate or lilac ones.  Pearl’s mother Elle has an exceptionally silky soft coat, and she seems to pass this down to all of her offspring!  Pearl has one of the softest coats I’ve ever felt!  Pearl also has an extremely sweet, friendly personality.  She also loves to purr like her half-sister Opal.  Pearl & Opal share the same father, a retired stud named Vicar.  Pearl also came to us from Masterpiece and was one of the last colorpoint kittens they were going to have for some time anyways.  I have always been a big fan of the colorpoint pattern, since I had many colorpoint cats growing up.  Pearl was born in October of 2023, just like Opal was.

seal bicolor Ragdoll kitten
Ivy’s DNA Report

Future Queen

RainkissedRags Ivy

Ivy is a traditional seal bicolor who carries chocolate and dilute.  She came from our last litter of Trixie’s before deciding to retire her.  Ivy just loves to purr and play, and her eye color is also a deeper shade of blue which she inherited from her champion father, Mr. Bennett of Masterpiece.  Ivy was only born in January 2024 so she has quite a ways to go, but we are excited what the future will bring with her!  What would a Ragdoll cattery be without a bicolor queen?!  I do believe when people think of Ragdolls, they often picture bicolors in their minds.  Ivy is an excellent example of a bicolor and of the breed!  With her parents both being quite substantial in size, we also expect Ivy to get quite large!

Trixie’s DNA Report


RainkissedRags Trixie of Longfellow Ragdolls

Trixie was our first queen and is a beautiful chocolate point bicolor.  Trixie was our first Ragdoll and holds a special place in our hrearts.  She introduced us to the world of Ragdolls!!  Trixie has been an exceptionally wonderful queen, as she has been known to nurse her grandkitties as well as her own kitties, all at once even when there were 8 of them!  She also nurses up until the kittens go home at 12 weeks old!  She nursed Willow for several months as Willow is the first daughter of hers that we kept.  Trixie is a big girl with a big loving heart as well!  After Trixie blessed us with 4 beautiful litters of kittens, we decided to retire her.  She has done her job and we feel 4 litters is plenty for her!  When to retire a queen is an individual choice for every breeder, and also depends on the individual cat.  Thank you Trixie for all you have done for us, we love you!!